Nuts Roasting Machine | Peanut Roasting Machine | Almond Roasting Machine| Coffee Roasting Machine | Cashew Roasting Machine

The relatively limited improvement in productivity per hectare can be attributed to constraints in the improvement of cashew species through conventional breeding, for which there is still a limited understanding concerning vegetative propagation methods, including micro-propagation and many additional propagation methods. OZSTAR ( has the best nuts processing systems including roasters, fryers of different kinds and of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted nuts!                 


Additionally, map-based programs are still in their inception phase; thus, more research is needed to genetically characterize some agronomically valuable traits. Similarly, there is a wide variety of crop management techniques, processing methods, and equipment options that have only been partially tested and investigated, thus limiting their potential application. 

Therefore, in order to identify and highlight the major findings as well as the fields yet to be explored in the research on cashew crop, this review was undertaken by adopting a value chain approach. Following the methodology of this approach, the entire value chain of cashew crop was thoroughly reviewed by critically analyzing and summarizing peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, and reports by international organizations. 

The literature depicted a fragmented and dated framework that this review aims to update and organize Cashew (A. occidentale L.) is an evergreen perennial tree plant belonging to the family Anacardiaceae. This family is considered to encompass 60–74 genera consisting of 400–600 species, depending on the classification adopted (Bailey 1961; Brizicky 1962; Khosla et al. 1973; Mitchell and Mori 1987).

Among the eight species in the genus Anacardium, only cashew (occidentale) is of economic value, due to its edible hypocarp and nutritious kernel. Plant height varies considerably, ranging from 5 to 14 m. The canopy size also varies up to a width of 20 m. The root system is usually deep and widespread. 

The root distribution pattern depends on soil type, planting material and method, age, level of crop nutrition, and irrigation. Upon germination of the nut, the radicle develops rapidly into a tap root, which further produces laterals. As the lateral roots elongate, fibrous roots develop on the tap root. OZSTAR also provides additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. 

OZSTAR ( has already various kinds of industrial fryers along flavouring and seasoning equipment for nuts controlled by touch screen. OZSTAR also provides additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR ( has already various kinds of industrial fryers along flavouring and seasoning equipment for nuts controlled by touch screen.


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