Nuts Roasting Machine | Nut Roasting Machine | Peanut Roasting Machine | Hazelnut Roasting Machine

Nuts are also rich sources of other bioactive macronutrients that have the potential to beneficially

affect metabolic and cardiovascular outcomes. They are an excellent source of protein (approximately

25% of energy) and often have a high content of L-arginine [5]. As this amino acid is the precursor of

the endogenous vasodilator, nitric oxide (NO) [29], nut intake might help improve vascular reactivity,

as discussed below. Nuts also are a good source of dietary fiber, which ranges from 4 to 11 g per 100 g

(Table 1), and in standard servings provide 5–10% of daily fiber requirements

 Among the constituents of nuts there are significant amounts of essential micronutrients that are

associated with an improved health status when consumed at doses beyond those necessary to prevent deficiency states. 

Nuts contain sizeable amounts of folate (Table 1) [24], a B-vitamin necessary for

normal cellular function that plays an important role in detoxifying homocysteine,

a sulfur-containing amino acid with atherothrombotic properties that accumulates in plasma when folate

status is subnormal [30]. 

Nuts are also rich sources of antioxidant vitamins (e.g., tocopherols) and

phenolic compounds, necessary to protect the germ from oxidative stress and preserve the reproductive

potential of the seed, but also bioavailable after consumption and capable of providing a significant

antioxidant load [25]. Almonds in particular are especially rich in a-tocopherol, while walnuts contain

significant amounts of its isomer g-tocopherol, which has been investigated much less than a-

tocopherol, but is increasingly recognized as a relevant antiatherogenic molecule [31]. Remarkably, in

all nuts most of the antioxidants are located in the pellicle or outer soft shell, as shown for

almonds [32,33] and peanuts [34], and 50% or more of them are lost when the skin is removed [25].

Bleaching of nuts when the hard shells are cracked, as it occurs naturally in pistachios, also destroys

most of the antioxidants [35]. Interestingly, roasting of almonds preserves the phenolic compounds better than blanching [36].

These facts, rarely taken into consideration in prior studies with nuts, should not be overlooked when giving advice on nut intake in healthy diets. Walnuts are an exception because they are almost always consumed as a raw, unpeeled product.


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