Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine
Good land preparation is critical for maximum moisture retention, precision planting, fast uniform seed germination and emergence and effective weed and disease control. The first tillage should take place six weeks before planting using a disc plough. This tillage involves deep turning of the soil 20-30 cm in depth (8-12") to completely bury weed seed and incorporate crop residues.
The second
tillage operation is conducted using a spike harrow in order to create a
suitable seedbed that is loose, smooth and level. On virgin soils, clearing and
leveling is necessary. However, heavy equipment is not recommended for leveling
since these contribute to soil compaction. The second tillage operation is
conducted using a spike harrow in order to create a suitable seedbed that is
loose, smooth and level. On virgin soils, clearing and leveling is necessary.
However, heavy equipment is not recommended for leveling since these contribute
to soil compaction. Peanuts grow best when the soil pH range is 5.8 to 6.2.
Availability of soil nutrients and the nitrogen fixation process are optimized in this range. Liming is usually needed in most of the peanut productive areas since soils tend to be low in calcium. Low levels of calcium result in peanut partial filling out or not at all, resulting in ‘wind nut’ formation. In the case of virgin land, limestone should be applied at least four weeks before planting, at a rate of 500 kg/ha (1500 lb/A). A soil test is advisable before recommendations are made.
Crop rotation practices are recommended with non-leguminous crops e.g. corn and sorghum. This would reduce the pest and disease build up problems associated with prolonged monocropping. A major constraint is non-availability of quality seed of suitable and adaptable improved varieties to the farmers. The seed is a basic input and it alone would enhance production and productivity if quality was assured.
The seed quality is a combination of multiple attributes. It refers mainly to genetic and physical purity, physiological and health quality. These parameters independently and in interaction with each other constitute the overall quality of seed. The peanut propagation material should possess all the major quality attributes above the prescribed standards. Poor stand is perhaps the most common cause of low yields. To obtain a full stand, use undamaged seed with intact seed coats and treat shelled seed with a seed dressing prior to planting.
Commercial production should be limited to the May-June season. OZSTAR ( has the best
nuts processing systems including roasters, fryers of different kinds and of
various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted nuts! OZSTAR also provides additional equipment
for flavouring and seasoning the nuts. OZSTAR ( has already
various kinds of industrial fryers along flavouring and seasoning equipment for
nuts controlled by touch screen.
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