Nuts Roasting Machine | Ozstar Nut Roasting Machine-Peanut-Almond-Cashew Roasting Machine
OZSTAR ( has the best nuts processing systems including roasters, fryers of different kinds and of various capacities to give you the perfectly roasted nuts! OZSTAR also provides additional equipment for flavouring and seasoning the nuts.
OZSTAR ( has already various kinds of industrial fryers along flavouring and seasoning equipment for nuts controlled by touch screen. Peanut or groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.), a member of the legume family, is an important food and oil crop. It is currently grown on approximately 42 million acres worldwide. It is the third major oilseed of the world after soybean and cotton (FAO, 1990). India, China, and the United States have been the leading producers for over the last 25 years and grow about 70% of the world’s crop. Peanut originated in South America (Bolivia and adjoining countries).
The Portuguese took it from Brazil to West Africa. The Spaniards introduced peanuts to the Philippines from where they spread throughout tropical and sub-tropical Asia, and indeed the world. The peanut, grown mainly for human consumption, has several uses as whole seeds or processed to make peanut butter, oil and other products. The seed contains 25- 30% protein (average of 25% digestible protein) and 42-52% oil. One kilogram of peanuts is high in food energy and provides approximately the same energy value as two kilogram of beef, 1.5 kg of cheddar cheese, nine litres of milk or 36 medium size eggs. In Guyana, peanut production reached 2,279 tons in 1997, but this production steadily declined over the years to 1,313 tons in 2003.
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